Export Mac Outlook Contacts to vCard format – Professionally Why Convert Mac Outlook Contact to vCard format?ġ – vCard is the standard format to keep contacts informationĢ – Save uncountable numbers of the contacts listģ – vCard supported by all email applicationĤ – OLM are Mac Outlook files that are not be opened on any other platform, but VCF can be opened easily on any platform Windows, Mac OS, iPhones, etc. VCF (vCards) files are often attached to e-mail messages. VCard is a standard electronic file format used for exporting and importing contacts to address books in both mobile, email application, and online environments.
Convert Outlook for Mac Contacts to vCard and Mac OLM emails with attached document too. Using the way shown in this write-up is accurate.
To convert files and data from Mac Outlook to any other format manually is a bit tricky as compared to the direct way. So, this writeup is about how to convert Outlook for Mac contacts to vCard.
So, vCard is the format used for storage. Usually, exporting Mac Outlook contacts to any other format is very inconvenient without being converted to any file format. Mike Lucanc | Mac software | 2 minutes read | Modified on: 05-02-2022